Code of Practice

Last updated: 10 December 2021


The objectives of the Code of Practice are to:

  • provide information to the suppliers represented on ‘Buy Recycled Directory’ on their rights and obligations to ensure fair and consistent representation of their products
  • increase consumer confidence and access in procuring recycled content containing products
  • promote the benefits of purchasing products that contain recycled content.

The Code of Practice does not take precedence over statutory requirements. It is the responsibility of suppliers to ensure that the promotion of their product on the directory does not contravene any statutory requirements.


  • Directory: “The Directory refers to the Sustainability Victoria Buy Recycled Directory, herein referred to as “the directory”.

Joining as a supplier

Any business or organisation can apply to be on the directory by registering. All products uploaded by the supplier on the directory must contain recycled content and meet the compliance criteria.

It is the obligation of the supplier to ensure that information represented on the directory is correct and up to date.

Product compliance criteria

Criteria for listing products on ‘Buy Recycled Directory’:

  • Products must have some amount of recycled content.
  • Recycled content use must be greater than 0%, but otherwise there is no minimum recycled content requirement.
  • Be certified against any claims made. For example, a third-party Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
  • Meet all legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • Meet obligations regarding environmental claims under the ACCC Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
  • Any claims must meet the ACCC Green marketing and the Australian Consumer Law guidelines.

Change of production process, feedstock, or sourcing inputs

Where there is a change to a production process or the source of inputs so that a good listed on a supplier’s product list no longer meets the compliance criteria, the supplier must notify Sustainability Victoria immediately and cease promoting their product on the directory.

Removal of product/supplier

Sustainability Victoria may at any time remove a product from a suppliers list where SV is satisfied that:

  1. the product does not meet the compliance criteria
  2. the product is likely to bring the directory into disrepute
  3. in such cases, a supplier may request a review of the decision

By submitting your product for representation on the directory, you warrant that all information is correct and that your product meets the above product compliance criteria.